
August 6, 2024

New layout system

The editor got a complete revamp, featuring a brand new layout system and drag and drop functionality that will let you build any grid-based page layout as easily as dragging things around, while still getting an automatically responsive page.

It now supports placing elements anywhere on a 12-column grid, creating nested columns, aligning elements to the edge of the screen, as well as overlapping elements horizontally.

April 12, 2024

Improved editor

While Pagy’s initial, Notion-like interface of building pages primarily as text documents (with controls showing up on the side of elements when hovering them) worked well with simple layouts, it became confusing when dealing with more complex layouts with deeply nested elements.

The editor interface now works similarly to other traditional website builders and design tools, where you first click to select an element and then click again if you wish to edit its content. The element’s settings now appear immediately after selecting them and you can also drag elements by clicking directly on them (without having to look for small controls on their side to do so as before).

The editor still maintains the underlaying text editor-like architecture so, unlike other tools, once you go into text editing mode you can keep writing and adding more elements just by typing as you previously did.

January 23, 2024


Now you can create forms in Pagy! Just select Form from the blocks menu to start with one of the templates and then customize them to your liking.

Here’s everything you can do now:

  • Create contact forms, signup forms, or any form you want by freely customizing their fields and content.

  • Create multiple, independent forms for different purposes on the same site (unlike the previous signup form which was global to the site).

  • Receive email notifications when new submissions come in.

  • For contact forms, you can set the notification email’s “reply to” to be the submission’s email field’s value so you can just hit reply to answer the people who contact you.

  • Reuse your forms across multiple pages of the site. Edit in one place and see the changes reflected everywhere.

  • View all your form submissions right within Pagy and download them as a CSV.

  • Integrate with external services and send submissions directly to them, starting with Loops (if there’s any other you’d like to see let me know!).

On an unrelated update, now you can also preview your changes live before publishing a page, and use it to share your drafts with other people.

October 20, 2023

Sharing templates

Now you can share any site you create on Pagy as a template for other people to use.

Each site gets a unique and random template link, which means you can effectively use this to create and sell your own templates. Find it on your site settings, under Sharing.

October 15, 2023


Now you can have multiple people collaborating on the same site! Find the invite link under the new Team section on your site settings and share with it anyone you’d like to invite to collaborate on the site.

October 9, 2023


You can now add an accordion block to your pages, ideal for FAQs and similar content. It looks like this:

Also updated the section templates, adding some new FAQ templates using the accordion block, and added a new “Call to action” category of templates.

October 1, 2023


Added support for bulleted and numbered lists, including nested lists:

  • Here’s an example list

  • Another item

    • A nested list

      • Another nested list

  1. Here’s an example numbered list

  2. Another item

    1. A nested numbered list

      • You can also nest different list types like this

      • How cool is that

Also added support for markdown shortcuts, which work for lists, headings, and dividers:

September 26, 2023

Improved gap control in stacks

For the last of these set of updates, now you can also visualize and change the gap of stacks directly in the editor.

September 21, 2023

Improved section padding control

Now you can also visualize and change the padding of sections directly in the editor.

September 18, 2023

Improved margin control and highlighting

Among plenty of tweaks and optimizations, now you can visualize and change the margin between blocks directly within the editor. Just hover a block and manipulate it directly.

Block highlighting has also been improved. Now all blocks (including text and headings) are highlighted when hovered so it’s easier to visualize where each one begins and ends.

September 4, 2023

Shared sections

Now you can share a header, footer, or any other section across multiple pages! If you edit a shared section in one place you’ll see the changes reflected in all the pages it’s included.

To make a shared section just go to an existing section’s menu and click Share. Then click Add section on any page and you’ll see your shared section available under the Shared category.

August 11, 2023

YouTube videos

Along with being able to directly upload your own videos, you can now embed YouTube videos as well. Just paste a YouTube video link and you’ll the video will be embedded automatically. You can also add them from the block menu by selecting the Video block.

August 8, 2023

Password-protected pages

Now you can set a password on pages that you don’t want everyone to have access to.

August 7, 2023

Link previews

Added rich link previews! Just paste a link and the preview will be embedded automatically, or select Link on the blocks menu. Perfect for showcasing your links and making a link-in-bio page.

August 1, 2023

Social links

Add icon links to your favorite social profiles. Just paste a link to your profile and it will be turned into an icon, or select Social link from the blocks menu. Over 30 icons supported to start with.

Here are some examples:

July 18, 2023

Multiples pages

Added the most request feature since launching, multiple pages! Now you can create performant, multi-page websites on Pagy. Available on the new Pro plan at $10/month.

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